Desi Cow Ghee for Diabetes: A Natural Remedy


Both Mental and physical well-being are complementary and positively correlated concepts, and there is no second-guessing that. When we're in good health, we naturally feel more energetic and mentally peaceful, boosting productivity. Our ancestors recognized the importance of a healthy lifestyle in promoting both physical and mental well-being. Understanding this link is vital for our overall wellness and happiness.

As per psychoanalytical insights like the pleasure-pain principle, our natural inclination is to chase pleasure and dodge discomfort to meet our biological and psychological desires. Our actions are steered by this instinctive urge to enhance pleasure and decrease pain. But in our fast-paced world, we've lost touch with our fundamental needs, overlooking both our physical well-being and mental tranquility.

Rapid progress and growth in our way of life have come at a cost - the rise of lifestyle disorders and diseases, our formidable foes. Our bodies struggle to cope with this swift change, resulting in conditions like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and more. Managing these chronic health issues can be draining and exasperating. It's crucial to realize that by embracing a healthy lifestyle, we can proactively mitigate the adverse effects of these disorders to a certain degree.

समदोषः समाग्निश्च समधातुमलक्रियः |

प्रसन्नात्मेन्द्रियमनाः स्वस्थ इत्यभिधीयते ||४१||

"An individual who maintains a balanced state of the main elements of the body (including dosha and dhatu), adequate digestion (agni), proper excretion (mala kriya), blissful condition of soul (atma), satisfied senses (indriyan), and a happy state of mind (manas) is called a swasthya or healthy person."

The importance of a healthy lifestyle is evident from our Vedas and Upanishads. A healthy lifestyle includes a balanced combination of sattvic food and exercise, and a regulated sleep schedule, all bound together to form an everyday routine.

Managing diabetes, often influenced by genetics and an unhealthy lifestyle, is within reach with proactive steps. Start your path to a healthier life right at home, especially in your kitchen. Embrace 'the golden elixir of life- ghee,' which can be your ally in promoting a robust lifestyle, aiding in controlling diabetes effectively.

Benefits of consuming Amisaar Ghee for diabetics

1. Packed with vitamin K and antioxidants, ghee strengthens immunity, crucial for diabetes management.

2. Ghee's linoleic acid content helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues, a common concern for diabetics.

3. Enhances nutrient absorption, stabilizing blood sugar levels and aiding diabetes control.

4. Opt for organic or A2 cow ghee to lower bad cholesterol, a significant win for diabetes care.

5. Adding ghee to high-glycemic foods lowers their Glycemic Index, managing blood sugar effectively for diabetics.

6. Promotes smooth digestion, aiding constipation management when consumed appropriately.

7. Ghee, rich in healthy fats, aids nutrient absorption from your diet, supporting overall well-being.

8. Boosts gut hormone function, aiding insulin secretion and diabetes management.

9. Fights oxidative stress with its antioxidant richness, a vital aspect for type 2 diabetes patients.

10. Ayurvedic remedy for skin issues linked to diabetes, ghee clears toxins and improves digestion, promoting skin health.

How to consume ghee in diabetes management?


For improved digestion, simply add a teaspoon of ghee to dishes like rice, khichdi, dal, and carbohydrate-rich foods. Nutritionist Shilpa Arora suggests that incorporating ghee into your meals can aid diabetics in digesting the sugars from rice effectively. This small addition of ghee can be a game-changer for diabetics and those prone to the condition, offering valuable benefits.

Life may be unpredictable, but choosing a healthy lifestyle is in your hands. Amisaar acknowledges your health concerns and offers a solution in a jar! Experience the goodness of hand-churned A2 cow ghee, processed through the ancient bilona method, and perfectly packaged just for you. Your search for pure and wholesome ghee ends here with Amisaar. Grab your jar of health today and embrace natural well-being. Shop now to stay healthy the natural way. Contact us on WhatsApp, Instagram, or on Facebook.


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