11+ Benefits Of Ghee In Ayurveda – Amisaar ghee

In India, people think cows are really special. They call them "Maa," which means mother. Cows are not just regular animals there—they're like a big deal, even more important than God in some ancient texts called Vedas. Because cows are so respected, the milk they give and the butter made from it are also seen as really special and important.

In the old times of the Vedas, they used something called "ghee" in their special ceremonies. These ceremonies called yajnas (a ritual sacrifice with a specific objective), needed ghee to be complete. Ghee was like a sign of being really pure in the Vedas. When someone talked about sacred or pure food back then, they were often talking about ghee.

Ghee wasn't just for special ceremonies in the old days, the Vedic rituals. People also used it as a kind of medicine in Ayurveda to treat different sicknesses. Maharishi Sushruta talked about ghee in his Sushruta Samhita, and you can also find information about it in Charak Samhita.

In this article, we will discuss why ghee is considered an ultimate Ayurvedic superfood.

What Is Ghee?

Ghee is a special kind of butter that people often use in cooking in places like India, Pakistan, and the Middle East. To make it, you heat up regular butter slowly until the milky parts separate and are taken out.
After doing that, you're left with clarified butterfat, and that's what we call ghee. Ghee can handle high temperatures when you cook, and it gives your food a tasty nutty, and buttery flavor.

Ayurvedic Properties Of Ghee

Pacify Vata

According to Ayurveda, which is all about healthy living, the top-notch ghee is the one made using the bilona method from cow milk. This kind of ghee is said to lessen something called 'Vata,' which is linked to issues like dry skin, trouble going to the bathroom, weak joints, not-so-great blood flow, sleep difficulties, sudden jerks, and irregular bathroom habits.
It's really good for treating problems like trouble peeing, runny noses, on-and-off fevers with chills, diarrhea, not feeling hungry, and getting very thin. Plus, it helps increase the number and power of sperm.

Promotes deep cleansing & conditioning

Eating ghee helps the body's fluids move better, so nutrients can travel around more easily. Ghee also helps get rid of waste from the body through the digestive system. It acts like a helper, carrying the healing stuff from herbs to the deeper parts of our body.

Enhance Lifeforce

In Ayurveda, it's believed that ghee gives a boost to Ojas, Tejas, and Prana. Ojas is like the core of our energy and strength. Tejas is the essence of our brightness, bravery, clear thinking, and deep understanding at the tiny cellular level.

Prana takes care of the gentle part of Vata, which is like the air inside us, and also handles our energy and vitality. It's involved in our breathing, blood circulation, digestion, and getting rid of waste.

So, these three things, Ojas, Tejas, and Prana, look after both the outside and inside of your body, like a health guardian. Ayurveda believes that what you eat can heal you, and what heals you can be your food. That's why ghee is seen as something magical—it moves through our food, a bit like how the holy Ganges River flows through India's soil.

11+ Benefits Of Ghee In Ayurveda

1. Enable Weight Loss

Many people think ghee is really good for health, and it might even help you lose weight. That's because ghee has lots of healthy fats, like omega-3 fatty acids, which can lower inflammation and encourage your body to burn fat.
Also, ghee has vitamins that dissolve in fat, like vitamin A, which helps control metabolism. Plus, ghee doesn't have much lactose, so it might be gentler on the stomach for people who can't handle lactose. This could mean less bloating and fewer calories, which might help with losing weight.

2. Provides Energy

Ghee has special fats called medium-chain fatty acids that the liver can quickly use for energy. This makes it a healthier choice for energy compared to many carbohydrates.

3. Reduce the risk of cancer

Ghee is a strong thing that has elements that fight cancer. Inside ghee, there's a powerful antioxidant called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). This CLA helps stop inflammation and makes cancer cells destroy themselves, which is called apoptosis.

4. Reduce the risk of heart disease

If you have too much LDL cholesterol, it can up your chances of heart problems and strokes. Ghee has something called oleic acids that can bring down this LDL cholesterol, making your heart healthier. It also helps LDL not get damaged, slowing down the buildup of stuff in your arteries.

5. Reduce the risk of diabetes

People with diabetes can gain from eating pure cow ghee. It helps with digestion, makes your immune system stronger, cuts down on harmful free radicals, and doesn't have a lot of carbohydrates. It's also good for your heart and bones and makes the sugar level in your food go down. In general, cow ghee is good for people with diabetes.

6. Boost digestion

When your blood sugar is high, it can affect how your digestion and bathroom habits work. Butyric acid, which is in Desi cow ghee, is good for your digestive system.
Ghee helps with stomach issues and can prevent them. It also makes sure the pancreas, the glands that release insulin in our bodies, work well.

7. Improves immunity

When your blood sugar is too high, your body's defense system gets weaker. Diabetes can lead to issues with your eyes, liver, skin, and digestion. Ghee, a super healthy food full of nutrients, has a bunch of minerals and vitamins.
Ghee has lots of important vitamins like A, D, E, K, and B12 that are good for your eyes, skin, and hair. It also has omega-3 fatty acids and butyric acid, which are great for your heart, and bones, and fighting harmful stuff in your body. If you're curious about how ghee can help with diabetes, you might want to learn more about it.

8. Fight Inflammation

Doctors are using supplements with something called butyrate to treat inflammation, but using natural ghee is a better choice.

9. Increase Appetite

Eating ghee makes your stomach produce more stomach acid, and that's good because it helps you digest your food better and makes you feel more hungry.

10. Improve eye health

Ghee has things called antioxidants, like vitamin A, that keep your eyes safe from damage. The good fats in ghee take care of the delicate eye tissues, and the omega-3 fatty acids in it can lessen inflammation.
Ghee has lutein, a helpful thing that shields your eyes from harm caused by free radicals. It can also lower the chances of getting eye problems related to aging, like macular degeneration and cataracts.

11. Promotes positivity

In Ayurvedic medicine, they say ghee is a sattvic food. Sattvic foods are the ones that make you healthy, and happy, and help you grow as a person.

12. Remove emotional toxins

Scientists say that bad feelings have chemicals in them, and these chemicals get stored in bad fats. But ghee is a good fat that doesn't keep these feelings, and it can actually help get rid of them.

Can be stored without refrigeration?

When they make ghee, they take out the solid parts from the butter, leaving only the pure fat. Because of this, ghee can be kept for a really long time without needing to be put in the fridge, and it won't go bad.

Does not break into free radicals?

Some oils can't handle high heat, and when they get too hot, they turn into harmful stuff called free radicals. These free radicals can lead to different health problems, like aging and cancer. But ghee is different—it can take high heat (up to 250 °C) without turning into these harmful free radicals when you cook with it.

Do you have desi ghee at your home?

You've learned about the good things ghee can do. In general, ghee is good for you if you don't have too much. It's good for everyone, young and old. So, it's important to have ghee in every Indian home. Without ghee, it feels like something is missing from the kitchen. Do you have a jar of desi ghee at your home? If not, get one today!


Ghee, which is like clarified butter, has been a part of Indian cooking for a really long time. It has a rich history. People use ghee not just for making tasty food but also for ancient rituals and as a super healthy ingredient in Ayurveda.

Ghee has a lot of vitamins like A, D, E, and K, and it can handle high heat when you cook with it. That makes it a really good fat for all kinds of cooking.

Ghee is famous for helping with inflammation, which is good for people with tummy problems. It's also packed with things that can reduce the chance of long-term illnesses, and fats that can bring down cholesterol levels.

On top of that, ghee is good for your skin and hair, and it might even make your brain work better.


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